Outlaw King (2018)

Outlaw King (2018) is a historical action drama based on the true story of Robert the Bruce, a Scottish nobleman who became a legendary king and warrior.
Set in the 14th century during the Wars of Scottish Independence, the film follows Robert (Chris Pine) as he rises from being a nobleman under English rule to leading a rebellion against King Edward I of England (Stephen Dillane).
After being crowned King of Scotland, Robert faces numerous challenges, including betrayal, fierce battles, and the brutal suppression of his people by the English. With his loyal followers, including his fierce wife Elizabeth de Burgh (Florence Pugh), Robert fights to reclaim Scotland’s freedom, ultimately leading his forces to a significant victory at the Battle of Loudoun Hill.

The film showcases Robert’s journey from an outlaw to a king, highlighting themes of loyalty, resilience, and the price of freedom.

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